Monday, August 10, 2020

 Here is the study document from which "Still Married After COVID" is derived.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

So, now I'm also a podcaster...

So, now I'm a also podcaster...

As the world seems to be growing apart with this COVID pandemic, and as I see folks reluctant to come back to church, I wondered, "what does this mean?" and, "What can we do about it?"

The result was a booklet/study I created called "Still Married After COVID: How the Eternal Bride Groom Stays Connected to His Bride in an Ever-Changing World."  I taught it first at Camp Linn Haven's (North Carolina) Family Week #3 this summer and, after some editing, will be doing so at Redeemer in Olathe in August and early September.

Since so many folks can't be in Bible Study personally, or don't like watching a video of someone just standing in front of a classroom, I thought I would create podcasts for each of the chapters and put them out there on the inter-webs for folks to grab at their leisure. is the most direct way to find it, though its also on apple podcasts, Pocket Casts, as well as Spotify for now.  Others will be added later.

If you want a copy of the booklet, let me know and I'll send it to you.  Let me know if you want a PDF or a hard-copy and you can Venmo me the postage.

Anyway, take a listen, let me know what you think, and share with me your ideas about the Church can continue to be the Bride of Christ, even when we are separated for extended periods of time.