Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Cost of Solidarity--a Christmas Story

President Obama announced that is is now in the Health
insurance exchange while on a golf holiday in Hawaii

This morning it was widely reported (see Washington Post article here) that President Obama has signed up for a Bronze level health care insurance on the Government exchange website as a 'sign of solidarity' and which the White House has characterized as 'symbolic'.

The deadline for enrolling and still have coverage by January 1st has been pushed back to Midnight, December, 24, 2013, promising to be a real Christmas present for those who have procrastinated.

The Post article referred to the announcement and the political side-swipes which led up to the announcement as "political theater" as the president actually had aids complete the application for him and will never use the coverage he is purchasing for $400/mo ($4800/yr) because he is covered by the military which is exempt from entering into compliance with the ACA.

So my question is this:  If you didn't do the work (filling out the forms) and you won't actually have to live within the constraints of your policy and the money you are throwing away is inconsequential to you, how is this "solidarity" with the people?

For most Americans, throwing away $400 per month to make a point would seem unconscionable, but for someone making $400,000+/year perhaps it truly is merely symbolic. 

What would you do with an extra $400/mo?  Ironically enough, I would pay off some medical bills which have been hanging over my head since 2009 when our church changed to a high deductible health plan which is very similar to the plan Obama bought but will never have to live with. 

Only Time will tell if his symbolic move will have traction with the people or event be remembered in history.

When I hear the word solidarity I immediately remember the Polish Solidarity movement which helped lay the cornerstones of the effort which eventually brought about the demise of the USSR.  Those who joined in that movement did so at extreme peril to themselves and their families in a state where outward opposition to the Government was seen as treason and punishable by long, hard prison sentences or even death.

Lech Walesa
 What allowed the movement its success was that the many who were willing to risk much so pain, oppressions, suffering and atrocities would finally end. They were willing to do this because they had a strong leader, Lech Walesa, who led them in peaceful protest and challenged the government to move against them while the world watched intently on live television.  Welesa was eventually elected as their president and eventually left office amid allegations that he had ordered documents destroyed from the old Soviet era secret police files which may have demonstrated he was actually a communist informer in his younger days.

Today we are on the eve of the only truly selfless act of solidarity ever shown on behalf of mankind; the birth of Christ in Bethlehem.  God gave up his only Son; not so that some would be influenced to follow him.  Not so that the state would treat its people better.  Not so that he could score political points or make good press reports.

God sent his Son to earth to be one of us in order to take our punishment for us.  His goal was to keep us out of the prison of death and damnation by accepting it for himself.  Our Lord lived on this earth knowing full and well what the cost would be.

And he also knew the reward.  It wouldn't be the sight of him sitting on an earthly throne, ruling Israel, as so many of the Jews had imagined.  It wasn't the overthrow of Rome, as so many gentiles had hoped.  His reward is knowing that by his sacrifice you and I could have eternal life, merely by repenting of our sins and receiving his forgiveness.

The ROI (return on investment) on that venture would seem to be very poor by human standards.  We seem to value things in the hear and now.  Very few investors are looking for a payout which may not come in their lifetime.  They want to be able to reap the rewards of their investment.

 But when we think in terms of our life with Christ, the payoff has already begun.  We don't have to wait until the resurrection to enjoy an eternity with Jesus.  That eternity began the day we first believed and was cemented in our baptisms as a sign and a promise that Christ, indeed, will never depart from us or let us fall from him.

Today, lets all ponder the true solidarity of our Lord with human kind and what he did so that we might be free to argue about such silly things as politics, healthcare, and the like.

Monday, December 23, 2013

5 Reasons Millennials Stay Connected to Church - Barna Group

5 Reasons Millennials Stay Connected to Church - Barna Group

As the father of a Millennial who is struggling with the Church, this really interests me.  Moreover, I had the opportunity to recently conduct a memorial service for a Millennial which was attended, largely, by Millennials and it opened my eyes to just how differently they see things than my generation ( Gen. X).

As I conducted the service, I was caught off guard by the the fact that none of them seemed to know the liturgy, nor sang the hymns.  The church was full, yet the Lord's Prayer was little more than a mumble.  They weren't hostile, just seemed to not know what was going on.  Afterward, many of them expressed their appreciation for the service, and I think it was helpful for many of them.  But my eyes were opened to just how foreign our traditional expressions of worship and faith are to this group of young people who are quickly ceasing to remain part of the fabric of the Body of Christ.

So, Church, the question is, what are we willing to do bring Jesus to them, because they simply aren't coming to Jesus any time soon.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Where are we going?

Where are we going?

Caught up in traffic

Two weeks ago I was in Houston, TX for the “5:2 Wikiconference 2013”.  I was in Houston once before with my high-school band, but that was many years ago and I wasn’t driving.  This time I had to make my way from Hobby Airport, through downtown Houston and on to Katy, TX during the morning rush hour.  And I had no idea where I was going.
My car didn’t have GPS, but my phone did.  However, with the traffic as heavy as it was I was terrified to look at the screen to see which lanes I should be in and which turns, ramps and curves I should take next.  Add to that the less-than perfect diction of the computer generated voice coming from my phone, and you can imagine how stressful the drive might have been. 
Once I got onto Interstate 10 heading west, the highway was 6-8 lanes in each direction with a 3 or 4 lane “feeder road” paralleling the Interstate with “access roads” paralleling the whole system to allow entry into the local businesses along the corridor.  That meant, in some areas, there were 26 LANES OF TRAFFIC all running side by side by side by… well, you get my drift.  I felt like I was just one tiny red blood cell flowing along the circulatory system of Houston.  Even if I were in a wreck, I imagined I would have been just picked up, sloughed off, and absorbed into this huge metropolis, never to be seen again.
Have you ever felt that way?  Like you were just a cog in a machine?  That you were just going with the flow?  Or worse, that you were being swept up in something you hadn’t planned or bargained for and you didn’t know if you should try to “get off the roller coaster” or, if you should just “sit down, hold on, and get ready for the ride?”
At our church things are starting to happen.  Some are happening faster than others and in a couple of areas lightning seems to have struck and everyone is still trying to figure out “what happened?”  And it’s my hope, through all of this, that no one is left behind or decides to “get off the roller coaster.”

Where we’re going is where we’ve been

In the church some things are eternal.  Namely, the Word of Christ and the Sacraments which point to him and extend us his grace and forgiveness.  And in the midst of all this change these will always be visible, prominent and paramount.  Each of our externally focused ministries and efforts will always have in mind the hope that those we serve will one day receive faith from God’s Holy Spirit as we become “Jesus with skin on” to them in some way or another.
That also means that the worship life of the church will continue to be of utmost importance to us at Redeemer Lutheran Church.  Because those who are on the front lines of ministry need to be girded with the Word of God and strengthened by the Sacrament of the Altar, we will continue to emphasize faithful worship attendance to all those who call RedeemerOlathe their church home.  Moreover, as our older members are unable to attend worship and receive communion we have a brigade of Graceful Visitors and Communion Assistants who will help ensure that all those placed into our care are visited and regularly receive the means of grace.
Moreover, as our fellowship becomes more diverse in age, lifestyle and ethnicity, we will need to expand into other expressions of music and be more flexible in our liturgy to ensure that all who come to Jesus under our umbrella may hear Him in their language and in terms they understand all so that they might heed his calling to follow Him and his ways.  If worship planning, singing, playing an instrument, or audio/video work interest’s you, please give me a call.  Thomas and I want to put you to work!

New destinations

There was a time when most churches were dark during the week including ours.  That is not true today as our building has become a hotspot for all kinds of neighborhood activities, especially for families with children.  Redeemer is beginning to think of our parish as more than just the property at 920 S Alta Lane.  We are seeing the entire neighborhood as our parish, much like in the “old days”.

Our Neighborhood Schools

October 9th we will be serving dinner to the families at Rolling Ridge Elementary School as a service to them, so that they might have a nice fellowship meal with their families and neighbors.  We won’t be selling anything, we won’t be signing anyone up for any classes.  We simply want to be a good neighbor and to let them all know we care.  I hope many of our members will take advantage of this opportunity to meet new people with whom they might just be sharing heaven someday.  Why not start the introductions now?  To see how you might help, call the church office at 913-764-2359 and we will get you in contact with Kristen Willingham whose passion it was to start the ball rolling on this and is organizing the event.
One off our members who is on staff at a local middle school shared with one of her fellow missionaries at Redeemer that some of her students didn’t go out for football because they couldn’t afford the cleats and other equipment.  After networking with a few other people in town about how we might round up second-hand cleats we discovered a new sporting goods store in town that was excited to have the opportunity to outfit these individuals as the school staff deemed necessary.  By networking, prayer, and a few phone calls and meetings, more kids will be able to experience the joys and challenges that extracurricular sports can teach them.

Regional, National and Global  Mission Agencies

In addition to these partnerships, we continue to support Lutheran Urban Mission Agency with our donations of cash and food each quarter, Mission Southside with food, clothing, and volunteer hours, Olathe Public Schools with the Youth Mentors program, Children’s TLC, SafeHouse for Women, Lutheran World Relief, Faith Comes by Hearing, Food for the Poor and, we hope, Immanuel Lutheran Church and Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer  in KCMO for the next three years.  Other recent projects include the Lutheran Malaria Initiative, Lutheran Church of the Bahamas, St. John’s Lutheran Church in Moore, OK, and Immanuel Lutheran Church and their neighbors in Joplin, MO.
Though a very impressive list, we know it was not we who accomplished these things, but God, and that he has so much in mind for us to do.  In fact, many of our people feel much like Oscar Schindler at the end of Schindler’s List who wondered how many more people he could have helped if he had only done a little more?  The fact is, not all will be saved, but Christ desires that all at least are given the chance hear the Good News and our goal is to make that happen in our little corner of the world at least, and perhaps even farther, if it’s in God’s plan.

Where’ve I been, where am I going?

I spent the 24th through the 26th of September at the 2013 Wikiconference.  What’s a Wikiconference?  Well, it’s a gathering of 700+ ministry leaders, most of whom are LCMS, who gather together under the banner of Christ feeding the 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish.  What each of us brings to the table may seem insignificant until Christ, by his Holy Spirit, multiplies it into something, good, wholesome, and amazing. 
In addition to the great speakers (Australia’s Michael Frost, Kansas City’s own John Jantsch, Dr. Loraine Gonzalez, and Dr. Soong-Chan Rah) we could attend breakout sessions in the areas of Church Planting, Leadership & Coaching, Missional Communities, Multiethnic Ministry, Organizational Development, NextGen Ministry, and Worship Arts.  It was so good, I’ve already booked our staff to attend next year’s Wikiconference—it’s that good!—and I hope by then some of our other missional leaders might be able to make the trip as well.
In two weeks on October 13th-15th we have our Kansas District Professional Church Workers Conference (KSLCMS PCWC--for short!).  This conference occurs every two years and is an opportunity for ordained and commissioned (Teachers, DCE/MYEs, DCOs and Deaconesses) workers to earn some continuing education credits and present scholastic and theological papers to one another.  The theme of this conference is Catechesis (teaching the Bible/Catechism/Confessions).  Pray for Dave, Deb, Kristin and I as we head to Hutchison on those days, that we might get there and return safely and that we learn from our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
Well, I’m sure this is way more information than you wanted to read but I hope it was informative and helpful for those who are walking this journey of faith with me.
Peace today and may the Lord bless all your days.
Pastor Perry

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Who's In Charge? Rejoice! God Reigns! Isaiah 66:10-14

“Who’s in charge?”
     After President Reagan was shot in Washington in March of 1981 Al Haig infamously (and erroneously) said that he was in charge.

A year ago Egyptians elected Morsi as president and this week, after a few weeks of protests, the army deposed him from power.  Now both sides are duking it out in the streets.  “Who’s in charge” in Cairo?
Even in the church we sometimes ask, “Who’s in charge?”
Our Congregational Leadership Council has been looking at our constitution and has been left to ask that very question.
So, we’ll probably be doing a study on this in the fall and making some small changes to it for you all to vote on at the fall voter’s meeting
And in my own life, my head is sometimes spinning asking, “Who or what is in Charge of my life?”
I’m an ordained minister called to Redeemer Lutheran Church
I’m married to Susan
I’m father to Katie, Chris, and Caroline,
I’m son to Del and Sandy.
And I’m a baptized child of God.
What about you? Who’s in charge of your life?
Is it yourself?
Your job?
Does it seem like the whole world has control over you?
Does the devil has his grips on you at times?
Another way to look at this is, what moves, motivates, and informs you as you walk through life?
Providing for your family?
Watching over your children?
Pleasing God by being a good person?
I’m afraid if it’s any of these, you are doomed.
According to Galatians anything we do—any life we live—that is not informed, directed and planted by the Holy Spirit is going to be corrupted.
Not “less than optimal”, not, “so-so”, not, “pretty good”, or, “ok”—CORRUPTED!
That is, “bad to the bone”, “rotten to the core,” “unsalvageable”, thrown into the fire”, ALL BAD!
Only things sown by the Holy Spirit will last.  Only that life which is from God will exist for eternity
So, when are you and I going to give up trying to be in charge of everything and let God reign?
When will we begin to live like he knows better than us?
When will we start seeking the answers to life from His book, instead of the Wall Street Journal, the KC Star or Fox News, or MSNBC?
When will we “Rejoice! Because God Reigns!” in our hearts and lives?
And, how will we know that he does?
In the Gospel we see an example of when this happened and it was amazingly simple.
Jesus sent out the seventy two disciples in pairs to prepare villages, towns and cities before his coming to them to preach the Good News.
They were to take no provisions—for God always provides
They were to bring God’s peace—and peace would come back to them or, be returned to them and they would take it elsewhere
They would heal the sick—so that everyone would be well enough to hear the Savior
Simple stuff to usher in the reign of Jesus.
Trust Jesus
Use what is placed before you
Heal in the name and preparation of Jesus
Let Jesus speak for himself to create faith by his Holy Spirit
Too often we are scared off from this mission of Jesus because we think we need to convert someone to faith in Jesus and that scares us—and rightly so
Because that’s not what Jesus teaches
If we were to be responsible for salvation we would be the king—we would reign.
No, we are just the heralds the messenger, the 72.
Jesus Brings salvation, Jesus is king, Jesus reigns.
As we begin to flesh out our vision for ministry as a congregation we keep all this in mind as we plan, as we gather resources, and as we go out into the city to prepare it for Jesus.
We trust Jesus—personally, and as a church
We use what is placed before us—knowing that even what might be seen as a shortage is also an asset to those who have faith
We heal and comfort people in whatever shape we find them—and tell them Jesus is on the way.
And then, we get out of the way and let Jesus and the Holy Spirit do their thing.
Rejoicing  that he has come into another heart
And saved another soul from corruption
As I came to church yesterday for a baptism I picked up a message from a woman in our community who heard we had a laundry ministry
You see, her friend had told her that some folks from Redeemer helped her at the Laundromat a few weeks ago  and her machines weren’t working and she really didn’t have the money to fix them or to keep going to the Laundromat.
Because some couples from our church went out like the 72 into our neighborhood, healing occurred, hope arrived, and Jesus may very well be on his way into this woman’s heart to reign in her life forever!
So, where else does Jesus reign?
I know you have ideas and I know God is placing this community on your hearts—you’ve told me so!
For some of you it’s housing ministry
For others its food and clothing
For some its college kids
And for others its young professionals.
Some of you have shared the idea of turning our big lawn out front into a community garden,
Others have a heart for single mothers
While others ache to restart efforts to reach the Hispanic community with our love for them in Jesus through ESL classes.
These are all signs that Jesus is reigning in YOUR hearts.  And if he is reigning in your heart you have all you need to go out and prepare the harvest field.  For it is indeed ripe.
And God Reigns here at Redeemer Lutheran Church. 
Each and every week we are witness to his coronation as King over evil and destruction
as we commemorate his death and resurrection 
as we celebrate the Lord’s Supper
and, thereby, celebrate the eternal life we now have through his body and blood spilled on the cross for our sake.
Each time a person comes to this font, like Kellyn and Malia did yesterday,
Jesus reigns as more people enter God’s family
And you and I have two more sisters in Christ (pause)
And God reigns in Olathe as our Gracious Living Magazine is read by thousands
So that at least one family has already inquired about preschool.
A neighboring Pastor has praised God for our outreach,
The Lutheran Church Extension Fund has informed us that we will receive a $500 grant to help us pay for this effort.
And a lay person in our community who has a business which ministers to seniors commended us for the publication and offered ideas on how we can strengthen future issues.
And another reason we know that God Reigns here is Olathe is ironically, by the opposition our little magazine has rustled up.
It’s only a small number, but there have been five or six people who have called the office, nearly enraged, that we would dare bring Jesus into their homes through our little mailing.
They are convicted by their lack of faith and
Regardless of how winsome our message, they do not want to face the King
Today we’ll pray for all those people
Knowing that God loves them just as much as he loves you and I
And praying that they will hold on to that magazine
Or that someway, somehow, God would use someone else to share the love of Jesus with them
so that God would reign in their hearts as well.
But God has just begun to reign in Olathe.
The Kansas District of the LCMS would like to start 20 ministries in the state by 2020 and the Synod set a goal of 2000 new congregations in the United States by 2017 (the 500th anniversary of the reformation) at our 2007 convention
And with only two Lutheran churches preaching the grace of Jesus to a city of 130,000, we obviously have some work to do
and God is calling us to let him have free rein
in our hearts,
in our actions
in our wallets
on our calendars
and in our prayers and worship

All so that we might Rejoice! With Elijah as he does in our Old Testament Lesson, knowing that God reigns on earth and in heaven, now and forever more. 
It’s not too late to become a part of this important work of preparing Olathe for the coming of Jesus.
Even with the LCEF grant, we have only raised half of the $8000 the Gracious Living magazine costs to publish. 
Perhaps you could help us finish strong by putting your donation in one of the envelopes on the table in the narthex?
The Young Couples bible study would love to have you join them in their laundry ministry to our neighbors.
Seek them out during our fellowship time after the service today or send me an email or phone call and I’ll get you connected.
You can also still fill out the vision to action forms that you received with your bulletins today
so that we can connect you with others who have burdened with similar passions and callings that we might reach more people in more ways with the Gospel of Jesus.

And we are still in need of at least one more elder and, possibly another CLC member
so that’s God’s work at Redeemer Lutheran Church would continue to be strong and vivacious.
And that all we do would be in good order and accomplish what God would have us do.
Because God reigns in our hearts, over his church and even over this whole world, we can be bold and confident to serve him as did the 72 in our scriptures today.
And that boldness leads us to Rejoice in him and all he does
Through his word, his sacraments and through us, the people of his body, the Church.
To Him be all Glory forever and ever.  Amen.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Before You, Lord, We Bow--From whom do we wish to be free?

Sermon for Independence Day, 2013
Hebrews 11:8-16, Matthew 5:43-48

Independence Day is all about, well, independence!
It’s a word that we Americans cherish, revere and defend at all costs
The Revolutionary war was fought to gain our independence from England
And we had to fight for it again in 1812 when the British tried to reassert their authority.
At times we’ve had to go abroad to defend  that liberty; such as in WWI and WWII
And at other times we have helped others to attain or retain that freedom when it was threatened as  it was in Korea, Vietnam and Kuwait
And yet, at every occasion for war, in the name of independence and freedom, there were many who did not want independence at that cost; if war was the cost, some lack of freedom was acceptable.

Today we find ourselves in an era in which it would seem that our freedom is threatened by an unseen enemy.
An enemy which is so stealthy
it fits in seamlessly into our communities and organizations,
An enemy that lives on our street and eats dinner with our families and plays with our children
An enemy that fits quite well into our every day lives and with whom we even may be close friends with.

And this enemy waits until just the right moment to strike
And when he does, it takes us totally by surprise
And strikes terror in our hearts and lives
And strikes so hard that we all cry out that something be done about it
and we clamp down and take away liberties we were formerly used to having;
we restrict what we do and how in order to somehow thwart the efforts and movements of the enemy
And we are willing to give up almost anything in order that we don’t have to face that enemy ever again

And this enemy that I speak of is…sin.  Yours, mine, and everyone else’s.

When our founding fathers first spoke of independence, they were tired of having to bow down to King George and all that he represented;
for, bowing is a sign of submission—even to death.
Whether it was taxation without representation,
Or the way in which the nobility controlled the land
The Colonists desired to be free of that which seemed to oppress them so harshly.
They no longer wished to be submissive to something or someone which held them down and kept them from realizing their fullest potential.
And that’s the issue I think we have with sin today; but sin is much more deceitful than King George ever was.

Sin masquerades itself as something freeing—as the ability to cast off the shackles of rule and right and wrong.
Sin lies to tell you that if you follow its ways that you are showing the Big-Guy who’s boss!
Because sin would have you believe that God is the oppressive power
that would hold you back
and make you bow down before him
all so that your vulnerable neck might be exposed,
ready to receive a good whack, just when you mess up and anger God with your actions, words, or thoughts.
Sin tells me that humility and humbleness are weaknesses
That I need to look out for number one
And that no-one else knows what’s good for me better than me!
And that If I want to get ahead in this life I need to make a name for myself

And you know what? Sin is right!
If you want to be known or get ahead in this world, you must do exactly what sin tells you to do
Post pictures of you on the internet which show a little skin!
Go home with someone on the first date!
Cheat on your income taxes!
Work 60, 70, 80 hours a week so that you can have more money!
Spend every dime you make now and don’t worry about saving anything!
Skip church to watch your favorite team, or child, or wild game run around the field

That’s right!  All these things will give you the reward you were looking for;
Your picture will be shared with lots of other people—and you might even be recognized by it.
You will gain a reputation--as someone who likes to “have a good time” and nothing more.
You will be on the news when your business is audited and you go to federal prison for tax evasion
You’ll be popular with your wife and kids as you leave lots of money on the kitchen counter before you go work
Because they need to have something to do while you are ignoring them
And, let me tell you from experience, its going to cost you dearly!
With no worries about retirement and old age that boat or new car or house will be enjoyed a whole lot more than a certain nursing home you couldn’t afford later on.
And having fun away from Church on Sunday; why that’s WAY more fun that sitting there watching me sweat up here in these robes.

When you do what sin tells you to do, you are told that you will be free from the claustrophobic clutches of God’s Law,
but you will not have independence;
you will be locked into an even greater slavery.
And when you find yourself or your children estranged from your church, and your God, you’ll wonder, “what happened?”

When I get into conundrums like this I find I need to look to God’s word to get me straightened out again.  So, let’s do that today with our Gospel and our first lesson from Hebrews.

In the Gospel, Jesus gives us his famous quote, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”
In other words, “why get upset and hateful with people who are sinning against you? 
Do not let their sin lead you to sin
and don’t let their sin gain more notoriety;
 for that is the reward of sin—notoriety today at the cost of future glory.
 Moreover, pray for them that they would be forgiven and relieved of their sin.
That way, you might no longer be enemies but friends,
for, if someone has not sinned against you, why, then, would they be your enemy?”
And if you cannot forgive your enemies, are you not sinning against them?

That’s why at the end of the Gospel, Jesus says, “You therefore must be perfect, as you heavenly Father is perfect.”
And how is our heavenly father perfect?  In his perfect love for us.
In John 15:13 Jesus says, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command.
In other words, Jesus is calling us to show his perfect love to the world so that those who are our enemies will become our friends and, in turn, friends with Jesus.
Only by doing this can we have hope of being completely free and independent in this life
For if we have an enemy that we hate, they hold a piece of our heart which is focused on sin
But if we have an enemy that we show love toward and for whom we are praying,
our hearts are turned toward God
as we ask him to bring peace, love and faith to their hearts
as he delivers forgiveness and mercy to their lives.

The great thing about our God is that he never gives a command or instruction without telling us how it will be accomplished—he doesn’t say, “just figure it out.”  He tells us how and why.
The Bible is filled with stories about people commanded by God to carry out his will for a specific purpose and we hear one such account reiterated by the writer to the Hebrews today.

Abraham and Sarah were told to go to a land that God was giving them as an inheritance
I’m sure lots of people made fun of them and, perhaps, some of their family members, employees and associates tried to dissuade them from going.
They were probably told that God was punishing them for making them take this long and dangerous trip
But Abraham went…by faith
By faith, he went and lived in that land of promise
By faith, Sarah was able to conceive and have a son in her 90’s
Because Abraham had faith that God was faithful to his word
And would, in deed, bring forth a great nation out of his obedience.
And so by faith, they all died
Not in despair or doubt, wondering if it was all for naught,
But resting in the sure and certain hope, that what had been begun by God through their faith-filled actions, would be fulfilled in later days
They died in freedom
knowing that independence from the confines and conformities of this earth
outlast any temporary, earthly, freedom gained by casting God out of their life.

And God gives us the same kinds of commands.

Freed from the bonds of this life and this present time, we take the long view of things.
Knowing that life and death are eternal we make decisions which reflect that reality.
Believing that death is a curse which enslaves those who don’t know God’s grace we share that grace will all--that some may come to know it.
And just like Abraham and Sarah, we aren’t left to fumble around in the dark
We are called to love one another as God showed perfect love to be
That love by which Jesus died on the cross was not saved for a precious few,
But, rather, all are precious in his sight, as he died for all people and all their sin
therefore our love knows no boundaries
It is colorblind, gender-blind, age-blind and money-blind.
Our love will reach out to all cultures and affinities
And it will not stop until it is known in its fullest extent when someone comes to faith, and by the power of the Holy Spirit knows that love of Christ in their heart and is baptized.

And we also know that that perfect love of Christ is must fully shown in this world by his Word and in his sacraments
As we hear not only the commands of God through his Word,
but his intents and purposes for we, his people,
and through those words we also gain encouragement, examples, and comfort.
And when we come to his font and his altar those words are given tangible signs
As we see the water of life, combined with that Word, washing away sin
And as we see that bread and wine, we bear witness to Christ’s body and blood given up for us so that we would no longer be enslaved to our sin.

So what does all this look like for you as you sit here today—here at Redeemer Lutheran Church?

Well, it looks like Redeemer Lutheran Early Childhood Center (a.k.a. “The Preschool”) which seeks to share the love of Jesus with as many people as possible by the gift of Christian Education
“But my kids are grown!” you might say.  How can I be part of that ministry?
Well, you might not be aware of this, but our word-of-mouth network, which has ensured a full preschool  year after year has, for some reason, run out of tentacles
And, starting last year, we have had sharply declining numbers of students enrolled in our program.
There are plenty of preschoolers, whom we can reach with this ministry, but we don’t know who they are—but you might!
So, if you have neighbors with 2, 3, and 4 year olds, take them a preschool brochure and extend to them the love of Jesus this summer

This perfect love also looks like a Vacation Bible School at which 140 children heard the Good News of Jesus, ¾ of which were not children of Redeemer.
While some of these children are in another church, the reality is that most are probably not
And since they have already been here for VBS, some of them multiple times, they are just begging for you and I to invite them to take our with Jesus pilgrimage together.
They are looking for you to form a friendship, a relationship with them and invite them to be friends in Christ
But we need people to make those calls, and send those postcards, and make those visits
So if you think God is asking you to do that, tell one of the VBS committee members and they’ll get you started.

This perfect love looks like the Hispanic family from KCK who will drive all the way out to Redeemer this Saturday to baptize their children
simply because we would extend the Grace of Jesus when no-one else would.
And along with the two children being baptized their family will witness the love extended to them by a congregation which wants them to know the love of Jesus.

And this perfect love is demonstrated when you and I each declare our independence from the sin which would tie us down and, instead, yoke ourselves to the Savior who will only lift us up.
We do that when we make the decision to put down that remote and read our bibles during our quiet time at home.
We demonstrate that love when we put Sunday worship and Bible Study ahead of our pastimes and passions
We demonstrate our independence from sin and death when we set aside our differences, preferences and desires for the church,
And, instead, seek God’s will through active prayer and live out his will by serving his bride the church in her mission and ministry

And lastly, that love of Christ dwelling richly within you is demonstrated by what you would give—even as Christ gave all, including his life.

Abraham knew all these things—even that last little bit about stewardship
I mean, can you imagine if Abraham and Sarah set out on their mission to reach Canaan like the church sets out to complete the mission we’ve been called to?
What if Abraham said to Sarah, “Well, their wasn’t quite as much water for the camels at the watering hole this Sunday so I guess we should just stay here and wait for that watering hole to get bigger.  That’s what God would want us to do.”
What if Sarah said to Abraham, “Oh, I don’t think we should go through Haran.  That’s not such a good neighborhood you know.  Their not from Ur like we are.”
What if Abraham said to Lot, “You know what, nephew?  I’m a rich man and I got this way by pulling myself up by my bootstraps and you can too if you try really, really, really, hard.”
If those were all true, the result would have been much different, wouldn’t it?

Instead, Abraham and Sarah had faith enough to bow before God and place their dependence upon him, knowing that it would lead to their independence from sin and death.
Each day they forged ahead toward Canaan,
knowing that God would provide—
that there would be other waterholes and other provisions along the way
They went onward into Haran,
knowing it would be a good place to rest up and re-supply before embarking on the continuation of their journey to Canaan and
Trusting upon the Lord to make these people generous hosts of their foreign guests
And, knowing the great riches and blessings God had bestowed upon him, Abraham divided up his property and gave the best pastures to Lot
Out of love for Lot and love for the Lord who had blessed him so,
And knowing that no matter how much he gave away God would continue to provide for his life and his family.

Will you bow before God?  Will you give up your independence in order to be freed from the slavery of sin?
We’ve all been faced with these same choices from time to time, haven’t we? 
We’ve looked at the Christian life from what seemed like a perspective of humiliation and subjugation which would seem to be poor and scarce,
Rather than the life of faith, which is one of humility and servant hood, lived for the benefit of all so that all might be blessed.

As we go forward from here, I pray that each of us continue to bow before our God
Not out of fear, but in humble thanks for the perfect love he showed us
So that we will be instruments of that perfect love
In our homes, our neighborhoods, our community and our world.
                  In the name of Jesus.  Amen.