Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod - Dr. Paul Manz, well-known musician, dies

"E'en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come"

The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod - Dr. Paul Manz, well-known musician, dies

The church on earth has lost a great man, but the saints heaven are blessed by his presence. His famous "E'en so..." is one of the earliest pieces I can remember learning as I sang with my "adult" choir as a teenager in Fremont, NE. I also remember our Pastor's wife (and organist) was a huge fan of Paul Manz and played his organ pieces regularly.

I also remember a "Pipe Dreams" episode on public radio in which he was featured and interviewed. During that interview he gave witness to the fact that God continued to bless him--even at an advanced age--with the gift of playing the organ. As one reads the obituary (linked above) one can't help, however, but to be reminded of the divide in our church which occured in the 70's and effected so many people. His funeral will be an an ELCA church and a celebration of his music will be at an LCMS college where he served for a few years before the split.

Of course, where Dr. Manz is now, there are no denominations, no quarrels and no voters meetings; only praise and honor and glory to God. Until that time we toil. "As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me[Jesus]. Night is coming, when no one can work." John 9:4 "E'en so Lord Jesus quickly come." Rev. 22:20

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