Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sticks and Stones

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me."  Remember saying that phrase when you were younger?  If you were like most you were probably called a few names and called others a few too.

But think back to those times.  Did that name calling really not hurt?  Of course it did.  That's why today's Psalm (Psalm 10) is a Psalm of lament.  The Psalmist is crying out to God to have compassion upon all those who are being picked on in one way or another, some even to the point of death.  But while the writer is asking the Lord "why?" and "how long?" he is also confident that "someday, Lord, you will make it right." (vv 14-18)

My question for today is, what things in your life to you anguish over?  Who or what gives you such a bad time that the devil uses it to tempt you away from God at times?  Write them down, then search your heart and/or your bible for ways in which God assures you that you will not be overcome by this temptation and by which he will preserve you.

Please feel free to share.  If you choose to use a fake name that's ok.  The more conversation we have the better our experience will be.


  1. Reading this passage today really seemed to fit the situation that many churches are in right now. People are greedy, self-serving and often too proud to see or admit their wrongdoing. I have seen too many people hurt over the last few years by more than just words, but by repeated criticism and false accusations that would tear even the most faithful person down. I know that we need to remember that God hears the desire of the afflicted (Psalm 10:17), yet it is so tough when it still feels like He's standing off in the distance and not responding in OUR time. His timing is much different than our immediate needs and desires being met. 1st Peter 3:8-22 is another powerful passage that I came across recently. Check it out and I pray that it will encourage you as you face your personal challenges. Verse 17 states "It is better, if it is God's will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil."

  2. Annonymous,
    Don't lose heart. The Lord is still Lord of the Church. We must keep reminding ourselves, that, while the Church is made up of sinners, it is manifested and fulfilled in the Holy One, Jesus Christ. Therefore, we seek the things which are "OF" Christ.
    We seek his Word, by which he strengthens and renews us, and by which he will admonish and forgive us.
    We seek his Sacraments which restore us to him and keep us connected to him and his grace in very personal, tangible ways. Baptism, by washing us in the blood of the Lamb through water and Word. Holy Communion, by allowing us to partake of the very body and blood of Christ, in, with and under the bread and the wine, for the forgivness of sins and the strengthening of body and soul.
    And, lastly, we seek the fellowship of the redeemed. We are called to love each other as Christ loved us. And how did he love us? While we were still sinners. To say to our fellow church member, "I'll love you when you are no longer a sinner" is just cutting them and ourselves off from the love of Christ which is manifested in how we love one another. (nt to mention hypocritical, aren't we sinners as well?) Where we are weak Christ shows his strength to heal and forgive.
